Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Finding silence

I posted on Face Book last week that I was in search of silence. I got some interesting replies, one said I should go to Amazon.com; I could buy a square inch of silence there. I have always had a mind that worked, that is I do a lot of thinking. My day is frequently an open prayer: "So God what do you think of that..., God please remember so-n-so..." and of course there are the mental reminders "don't forget...". It can be very challenging to let that all go and listen. To quiet all that thinking and just listen. We got 4 inches of new snow last night; the light powdery stuff that blows around and sticks to the branches, especially the spruces in my neighborhood. It's cold, windchill of negative 1. I found some silence today out there in that beautiful world, watching the branches direct a choir of wind and snow. All in the world isn't right, but in that place for that moment all was right. It was right, it was beautiful and I was reminded that God was there. I hope others find that too.

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