Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I would like to know why we have gotten out of the habit of going to church each week and why our culture is so stuck on being entertained?
It seems we work for pleasure. Everything I see advertised is trying to sell me something that will entertain me. A car with all this stuff that will keep me safe while I try to entertain myself with music or phone conversations; restaurants that will also entertain me while I eat; movies; shows; things to do...
I believe we expect this in church too. Somehow church is "boring" unless we are entertained.
What happened to learning? Why did a generation arise that believed that once High School or college was finished that learning had to stop? I thought that the purpose of High School and college was to teach you to learn and to give you a drive, style and awareness of learning.
Maybe it's just me. I can't learn enough and I don't want to stop learning, especially when it comes to God and my relationship with God. I want to keep on learning and growing so I know God better and so I can help others have a stronger relationship with God and other people.

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