Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Now that Christmas is over and we are into the new year, I have to ask myself some serious questions about who I am and what defines me as being unique in God's creation. I also have to ask myself what are my gifts to ministry; what do I need to develop, carry out, complete and let go of to be who God created me to be... wow! I have much work to do.
I have always been a dreamer; I taught my children that it is alright to dream as long as your dreams don't interfere with reality. I have dreams that I have yet to fulfill, guess that makes the beginning of my "bucket list"; those things that I want to accomplish before I am done serving God in this place.
I want to lead someone to Christ; not just my own Children but someone else
I want to influence peace in a positive way
I want my wife to never doubt that I love her
I want my children to understand life better than I do
I want each message I preach to touch someone
I want to know in my heart of hearts that I am doing my best; giving all that I am every moment of everyday to glorify God.
I am human, not God. Some of my dreams are out of my control. I see myself as a vine in a vineyard; it's pruning time. Jesus is standing there looking at me with his clippers in his hand. He is stroking his beard and walking around me. He comes close to me and smiles... he begins to trim me... what will he leave? what will he take? I feel so naked and vulnerable when he is done. I'm not sure I like what he sees, but he is pleased. I offered myself to him, I told him I loved him and I know he does a better job with my life than I do. Sometimes the trimming hurts; yet when I look back I see he was right. The vineyard is cold this time of year but much work is being done. Soon the warmth of spring will be here again and new shoots will spring forth. I will bloom, fruit will appear and will grow. Next fall a harvest will take place. All too soon Christ and I will face one another again. Will he smile then?

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