Saturday, January 23, 2010

Getting Started

So a new start, what's with the title? Well, We all see the outside of people. We don't always see what is on the inside.I want this blog to help you see inside of my outside, to see where my thoughts come from and to explore some of my thoughts for sermons,
This week I have found myself frustrated with people's reaction to the help going to Haiti. We expect things so quickly in our culture. As I wrote my sermon this week this fact was in the pack of my mind. My experience of emergemcy response has taught me that it takes time to be safe and that rescuers must be safe. If the rescuer is injured, who will respond? When injured the rescuer becomes part of the problem, not the solution.
Counter that with the First Corinthian reading (12:12-31) that speaks to the need for everyone to be welcome and part of the body of Christ and knowing that Christ is a part of all of us. How do we respond? These were some of my thoughts for the sermon.